> Forget the low IQ, they look good on TV

Remember, dark triad and p-factor is genetic (Kirkegaard), and it is evolutionarily here to "displace the nerds".

P.S. What is your stance on "Midwit" (Alima & Sachink), "Bugmen" (HackerNoon), "Gentry" (Dancoland & Clear Pill), or "Clueless" (Ribbonfarm)?

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Robertson is a fool but nothing to be too scared of except of course that he would follow orders from his billionaire masters without question. His father spent time in prison for fraud did he not?

But it's Hipkins and Little who I don't like, both are arseholes. I guess the only thing going for Little is that he doesn't seem to have been part of the "Socialist" "revolutionaries" that Hipkins, Ardern and Robertson were. More the Catholic liberation theologist maybe.

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